Friday, October 4, 2013

Curriculum Night

For math this week students continued to learn how to recognize parts of numbers as a strategy for addition.  We focused on the numbers 6, 7, 8 and 9.  On Friday, students worked with their math buddies to write addition sentences to find the whole given 2 parts.  Students were exposed to new math vocabulary and manipulatives.

For Reader’s Workshop students learned how to make text-to-self and text-to-text connections.  They learned how making meaningful connections helps understand what you are reading.  Students practiced this skill independently during D.E.A.R time using post it notes.

Students enjoyed the first day of the Walk-To Model and all students in first grade walked to a different classroom to participate in reading instruction.

                                                                 Students were excited to learn how to buddy read!

" Elbow to elbow, knee to knee,
I'll read to you and you'll read to me.
Elbow to elbow, knee to knee,
book in the middle so we both can see!"

Whole Body Listening is the idea of having your whole body ready to learn.  We discussed listening with your eyes, ears, mouth, body, heart and brain.   Listening Larry helped remind students how to demonstrated Whole Body Listening!

For Writer’s Workshop students continued learning how to develop ideas.  Students learned that writer’s tend to write about topics they know a lot about.  We brainstormed topics that we know a lot about and worked hard to write!

                  Author's Chair!

Curriculum Night Questions

Thank you so much to everyone who was able to come to Curriculum Night!  Your children were excited to read their letters on Friday morning.  If you were unable to come, please check your child's folder for handouts.  Your child received a special letter from me this morning!

Please see responses below to questions asked at Curriculum Night.

What does the daily schedule look like in first grade?

Each day students come in the classroom and complete their morning jobs (hanging up items, handing in any notes, making a lunch choice etc.)  Students then complete their morning work at their seats.  Each day we start the day by meeting at the rug for morning meeting.  Morning meeting is an important time that sets the tone for the day and exposes students to important social skills.  During Morning Meeting, students also practice reading and math skills through the morning message and calendar.

Students participate in math, reading and writing instruction on a daily basis.  Science and/or social studies thematic units are embedded throughout the schedule each week.  Each day students have one special (gym, art, library or music).  Aligning with the Common Core, reading and writing are integrated across disciplines.  Starting in a couple of weeks, students will go to the computer lab 3 times a week to participate in Lexia; a computer program reinforcing phonics skills.

Will there be homework?

Yes, there will be homework in first grade.  Due to the many routines and adjustment to the school day, first grade classrooms have not started homework yet.  Be on the lookout in the next 2 weeks for instructions about your child's homework.  Until then, having your child read independently and listen to stories is always helpful for reading and language development!  Literacy is such a crucial aspect of first grade.

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