Friday, December 20, 2013

Mo Willems Celebration!

Pigeons in character

Geralds and Piggies in character

Piggie and Gerald

Friday, December 13, 2013

Fun With Mo!

Author Study

The students showed a strong interest in the author Mo Willems.  We began an author study, which required us to read many of Mo Willems’ books and engage in tasks across subject areas!

Students worked in groups to examine Mo Willems voice as a writer and became “Author’s Craft Detectives”. After brainstorming as a group the different techniques we noticed about the way the author writes, students worked in pairs to act as detectives and find examples of our observations in his books.  Students engaged in purposeful conversations and collaborated to complete the task.  In addition to reading and examining Mo Willem’s books, students also had fun writing like Mo Willem’s and discovering their very own author voice. 

Next week we will continue our study by learning more about Mo Willems, examining traits and writing comic strips. We will tie up our unit by writing to the author!

Author’s Craft: the way in which an author narrates a story

Visit Mo Willems website to learn more about Mo and play games:


What is a Ten-Frame and Why is it Important?

A ten-frame is a hands-on and visual model that teaches number sense and mental math.  It is a great way to help children recognize number without having to stop their thought process and count.  For example, the most “efficient” way of seeing 8 with a ten-frame is seeing one row of 5 dots and another 2 dots equivalent to thinking of 8 as 5+3.

Understanding that numbers are made up of tens and ones is a foundational concept for young mathematicians.  Mastering this concept sets the stage for working with larger numbers.  We spent the past few weeks focusing on this pre-requisite for place-value and mental calculations.

Students practiced using a ten-frame to see the relationships that numbers have to 10.  For example, students practiced seeing that 6 is 1 more than 5 and 4 less than 10.

Students practiced using a table as a problem solving strategy.  I was impressed with their diligence to this challenging task!

Check out this online Ten Frame Game

Check out this video to help your child subitize (instantly recognize) numbers on a ten-frame before they disappear!

Fundations- Bonus Letters!

Rule: At the end of a one-syllable word if there is a f, l, s and sometimes z…you need to double the letter! (Of course there are exceptions!)


Students had fun playing games, writing silly sentences, and engaging in multi-sensory activities to practice bonus letters. 


Mystery Reader!

Special Notes
Congratulations to all of the students who added their published books to Pug Corner this week!
A big thank you to all of the children and families who personally contributed to Toys for Tots.